報道関係者 各位
- スタートアップピッチ最優秀賞から商品化を実現
音の信号処理に基づくソフトウエア開発のエヴィクサー株式会社(東京都中央区、代表取締役社長CEO:瀧川 淳、証券コード:4257、以下「エヴィクサー」)は、サッカーJ1リーグの名古屋グランパスに音響連動ペンライトを供給することで合意しました。選手入場やチアリーダーの応援、勝利後などのテーマ曲のテンポ、リズムに連動し、ペンライトが自動的に14色に点滅する仕組みです。エヴィクサーが音響連動機能を搭載したペンライトを提供し、名古屋グランパスが豊田スタジアムや公式グッズショップ等で販売します。価格は1本3,000円(税込み)。4月6日に豊田スタジアムで開催する名古屋グランパス対湘南ベルマーレ戦から導入し、まず2,000本の販売を見込みます。

エヴィクサーの音響連動ペンライトは2021年11月12日に中部ニュービジネス協議会、名古屋商工会議所が開いた「名古屋グランパス × スタートアップピッチ2021 inメッセナゴヤ」で最優秀賞を受賞し、商品化に向けて準備を進めてきました。名古屋グランパスはスタジアムだけでなく、スポーツカフェや自宅でもファンが一体となって楽しみながら応援できるうえ、設備面の新規投資が要らないことを高く評価していました。

エヴィクサーの音響通信技術は「暗号化したデータを埋め込んだ特殊な音(透かし音)」やデータベース上に保存されている音(音源)の「特徴点(フィンガープリント)」をスマホやスマートグラス、ロボット端末などのデバイスが自動認識することにより、デバイスをリアルタイムでコントロールするもので、日本だけでなく米国、中国で特許を取得しています。日本の映画館では、スマホやスマートグラスで映画の字幕と音声ガイドを楽しむ無料アプリ「HELLO! MOVIE(ハロームービー)」や、映画館が貸し出す「字幕メガネ」によってバリアフリー上映を実現しています。また、ドローンからスマホに音響通信し、人が行けない場所に防災情報を提供するなど防災分野や、博物館の非接触の多言語サービスにも活用されています。
English Translation of the Press Release
March 30, 2022
Evixar Inc.
Evixar Supplies Audio - Synchronized Penlights to Nagoya Grampus
- Commercialization of the product from the Grand Prize of the Startup Pitch
Evixar Inc. (Chuo-ku, Tokyo, President and CEO: Atsushi TAKIGAWA, Securities code: TSE 4257) has agreed to supply audio - synchronized penlights to Nagoya Grampus of the J1 League soccer team. The penlights automatically flash in 14 different colors in response to the tempo and rhythm of the theme song when the players enter the field, when the cheerleaders cheer, and after a victory. Evixar will provide the penlights with the audio - synchronized function, and Nagoya Grampus will sell them at the stadium and through its official store etc. Priced at 3,000 yen (including tax) per penlight, the system will be introduced at the April 6 Nagoya Grampus-Shonan Bellmare match at Toyota Stadium, with an initial sales target of 2,000 penlights.
Evixar's audio - synchronized penlight won the top prize at the "Nagoya Grampus × Startup Pitch 2021 in Messe Nagoya" held by the Chubu New Business Conference and the Nagoya Chamber of Commerce and Industry on November 12, 2021, and preparations are underway for commercialization. Nagoya Grampus highly valued the fact that fans can enjoy cheering in unison not only at the stadium, but also in sports cafes and at home, and that no new investment in facilities is required.
Evixar continues to propose the use of smartphones and digital signage to provide a sense of unity not only at the stadium, but also via TV broadcasts and online distribution, as well as emergency broadcasting and evacuation guidance at Toyota Stadium.
This is the second introduction of Evixar's audio - synchronized penlights to professional soccer, following Albirex Niigata of the J2 League, which has been using them for victory events since August 2021. Nagoya Grampus is expanding the scope of use to include pre-game, halftime, and post-victory events.
Evixar's acoustic communication technology enables devices such as smartphones, smart glasses, and robot terminals to automatically recognize "characteristic points (fingerprints)" of "special sounds embedded with encrypted data (watermarked sounds)" and sounds (sound sources) stored in a database, thereby enabling devices to communicate in real time. It is patented not only in Japan but also in the U.S. and China. In Japan, movie theaters have realized barrier-free screenings through "HELLO! MOVIE," a free application that allows users to enjoy movie subtitles and voice guidance via their smartphones or smart glasses, and "subtitle glasses" rented by movie theaters. The system is also used in the field of disaster prevention, such as acoustic communication from a drone to a smartphone to provide disaster prevention information in places where people cannot go, and in non-contact multilingual services at museums.
About Evixar's Acoustic Communication and Audio Watermark
Evixar’s technologies are media-tolerant, reverberation- and noise-resistant, and have been validated for degradation performance, providing solutions for a wide range of applications, with a particular emphasis on supporting hybrid real and remote applications, compatible for compression and frequency cutoff during delivery, and enabling simultaneous transmission to multiple channels, such as TV, radio, and multiple online feeds.
Overview of Evixar Inc.
- Established: March 12, 2004. Listed on the TOKYO PRO Market of Tokyo Stock Exchange in December 2021 (Securities code: TSE 4257)
- Capital: 537.16 million yen
- President and CEO: Atsushi TAKIGAWA - Profile
- Business: Research and development of software based on audio signal processing technology, as well as provision of acoustic communication solutions
- Annual sales: 126.5 million yen (forecasted for the fiscal year ended December 2021)
- Headquarters: Matsui Bldg. 1F, 1-17-22 Shinkawa, Chuo-ku, Tokyo 104-0033, JAPAN
- Phone: 03-5542-5855, Fax: 03-5542-5856, Email: press@evixar.com
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