SUSHI TOP MARKETINGとエヴィクサー、音でNFTを配信するソリューションを開発、販売を開始 - ライブイベントや商業施設への来訪証明をNFTで簡単に配布可能に(2022-02-17)
SUSHI TOP MARKETINGとエヴィクサー、音でNFTを配信するソリューションを開発、販売を開始 - ライブイベントや商業施設への来訪証明をNFTで簡単に配布可能に
報道関係者 各位
RKB毎日放送株式会社(以下「RKB」)と、音響透かしという音で情報を伝えるシステムを開発するエヴィクサー株式会社(以下「Evixar」)、ならびにNFTの配布と企画に特化した、トークングラフマーケティングを実践するSUSHI TOP MARKETING株式会社(以下「STM」)は、テレビ番組「エンタテ!区~テレビが知らないe世界~」内でリアルタイム放送音声を活用してNFTを配信するWatch to Earnモデルの実証実験を行います。
テレビ番組「エンタテ!区~テレビが知らないe世界~」の放送中、EvixarとSTMが提供している、音でNFTを配信するソリューション「Audio Shot」を活用し、番組内でNFTの情報を埋め込んだ音響透かし(※1)を放送します。
(※3)NFT受信用ページで放送音声の受信が確認されると、NFTウォレット(Tofu NFT)の有無を確認する画面が表示され、いずれかを選択するとNFT受け取りが可能となります。
放送時間:毎週水曜 24:55~25:25
今回、世界中で関心の高まる「NFT」を活用した番組制作を通し、テレビ番組の視聴を起点として誰でも簡単にNFTを受け取ることができるWatch to Earnの体験を提供するとともに、放送事業や新規事業でのNFTの活用を目指して実証実験に取り組みます。
Audio Shotは「音響透かし」という技術を用いた、音でNFTを配布するサービスです。
また、Audio Shotは自分のNFT Walletを持たないユーザーに対してもNFTを体験してもらうことが可能です。NFT配布後は、このNFTを証票とした「その場に居た証明」「参加証明」をフラグとして、トークングラフマーケティングに応用することができます。
本社:〒814-8585 福岡県福岡市早良区百道浜2-3-8
代表取締役社長:佐藤 泉
本社:〒104-0033 東京都中央区新川1-17-22 松井ビル1階
代表取締役社長CEO:瀧川 淳
本社:〒100-0005 東京都千代田区丸の内2-3-2 郵船ビルディング1階
代表取締役:徳永 大輔
RKB Mainichi Broadcasting Corp., Evixar Inc., which develops a system that conveys information by audio called audio watermark, and SUSHI TOP MARKETING inc., which practices token graph marketing specializing in NFT distribution and planning, will collaborate on the TV program “Entatekku - The e-world that TV does not know”. We 3 companies will conduct a demonstration experiment of the Watch to Earn model that distributes NFT using real-time broadcast audio in!
During the broadcast of the TV program, Evixar and STM provide "Audio Shot," a solution for distributing NFT through sound, and broadcast an audio watermark (*1) with embedded NFT information in the program.
When a viewer launches the NFT reception page (*2) on a smartphone browser during a real-time program broadcast, the browser detects the broadcast audio (*3) and the viewer can receive the digital The browser detects the broadcast audio (*3) and the digital content is received.
(*1) Technology that embeds electronically encrypted text, images and other information in the audio signal.
(*2) Scheduled to be provided in the program during broadcast.
(*3) When the reception of broadcast audio is confirmed on the page for receiving NFT, a screen will appear asking whether you have an NFT wallet (Tofu NFT), and if you select one, you can receive NFT.
Audio Shot is a service that distributes NFTs by sound using a technology called "audio watermark".
By adding an audio watermark to sound sources such as YouTube, live distribution, and in-store BGM, it is possible to distribute NFT as a "contact proof" to users who come into contact with the content.
Audio Shot also allows users who do not have their own NFT Wallet to experience NFT. After distributing the NFT, it is possible to apply it to token graph marketing by using this NFT as a voucher, "proof of being there" and "participation proof" as flags.
This TV program challenged the production of programs that had never been done before, utilizing the latest technologies such as AI, VR, drones, and metaverse, and we have been actively developing new businesses, such as announcing "Meta Production," a service for broadcasters to conduct interviews and produce programs in VR space on our behalf, based on knowledge gained through the program. In addition, we have been actively developing new businesses, including the announcement of "Meta Production," a service for broadcasters that provides news gathering and program production services in a VR space based on knowledge gained through programming.
This time, through program production utilizing "NFT," which is attracting growing interest around the world, we will provide a "Watch to Earn" experience in which anyone can easily receive NFT starting from viewing a TV program, and conduct a demonstration experiment with the aim of utilizing NFT in broadcasting and new businesses.
Token Graph Marketing is a new marketing method in the Web 3.0 era that uses the properties of blockchain to send tokens to specific NFT holders to gain product recognition.
In Web 2.0, retargeting by marking browsers who visited a particular site with cookies was a common method used in Web marketing, but marketing using cookies is a new marketing method that is criticized for using user data, such as personal information about the user's Web navigation, without the platform's permission. However, cookie-based marketing has come under increasing criticism for the platform's unauthorized use of user data, such as personal information about users' web browsing.
Token Graph is a marketing method that respects user privacy and freedom in that it is based solely on the user's own digital data (which the user can control).
Evixar's audio watermarking technology, which embeds encrypted text and other information into audio signals, offers solutions for a wide range of applications with excellent media tolerance, confidentiality, reverberation and noise immunity, and proven sound quality degradation performance.
With a particular emphasis on supporting hybrid real and remote applications, Evixar's technology is resistant to compression and tone reduction during delivery, and can be used for simultaneous multi-channel transmission, including TV, radio, and multiple online distributions.
SUSHI TOP MARKETINGとエヴィクサー、音でNFTを配信するソリューションを開発、販売を開始 - ライブイベントや商業施設への来訪証明をNFTで簡単に配布可能に