
株式会社ゼクサバース(本社:東京都千代田区、代表取締役:上瀧 良平、以下「ゼクサバース」)と AiryMedia株式会社(本社:東京都中央区、代表取締役社長:瀧川 淳、以下「AiryMedia」)は、2024年6月11日、音響技術を活用した最新のデジタル体験プラットフォーム「トレイントレカくじ」をリリースいたしました。このサービスは、山手線の車内自動アナウンス「次は○○〜」を認識させることで、スクラッチくじにチャレンジできるというとてもユニークな体験を提供します。
トレイントレカくじ Webサイト: https://kuji.life
(スマートフォン限定、最新バージョンのWebブラウザChromeまたは Safariをお使いください)


インタラクティブな体験: 山手線の車内アナウンスを利用することで、日常の移動時間を楽しくする新しい体験。
NFTの獲得: スクラッチくじに挑戦して、GOLD、SILVER、BRONZEのNFTを手に入れることができます。
さらなる楽しみ: 獲得したNFTをトレクー交換所(ZEXAVERSE TOKYO)に持っていくとポケカなどの紙製トレカがもらえるくじにチャレンジできます。

NFT(Non-Fungible Token)とは、「代替不可能なトークン」のことで、偽造や改ざんが出来ないのが大きな特徴です。
獲得したNFTは、「ZEXAVERSE TOKYO(ゼクサバース東京)」で、それぞれのNFTの種類に応じて、さらにくじを引くことができます。GOLDのNFTでは3回、SILVERのNFTでは2回、BRONZEのNFTでは1回のくじ引きが可能です。くじの結果に応じて、貴重なポケカが手に入るチャンスがあります。
〒104-0061 東京都中央区銀座2丁目3-12 マロニエゲート銀座3 3F
営業時間: 11:00~21:00
本社: 〒102-0083 東京都千代田区麹町3丁目5番2号 ビュレックス麹町205
代表取締役: 上瀧 良平
本社: 〒104-0033 東京都中央区新川1-17-22 松井ビル1階
代表取締役社長: 瀧川 淳
関連会社: エヴィクサー株式会社(証券コード 4257)
AiryMedia法人サイト: https://www.airymedia.net
トレイントレカくじ公式X: https://x.com/traintreca
エヴィクサー、新設分割で子会社「AiryMedia株式会社」を設立 / Evixar Establishes Subsidiary "AiryMedia Inc." for Full-Scale Global Expansion(2024-01-11)
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日本初!テレビ番組のリアルタイム放送音声を活用してNFTを配信するWatch to Earnモデルの実証実験を実施! - RKB毎日放送、エヴィクサー、SUSHI TOP MARKETINGが連携(2022-09-15)
“Train Trading Card Lottery” Launches, a service that instantly turns Train Announcements into Trading Card

ZEXAVERSE Inc. and AiryMedia Inc. release on June 11, 2024 the latest digital experience platform using acoustic technology, “Train Trading Card Lottery”. This service provides a unique experience in which passengers can try their hand at playing a scratch-off lottery by recognizing the automatic announcement in the Yamanote Line trains.
Train Trading Card Lottery Web site: https://kuji.life
*For smartphones only, please use the latest version of web browser Chrome or Safari
*Please note that the site may not work under train network conditions or with web browsers or in-app browsers other than those listed above.
Train Trading Card Lottery is a new form of digital entertainment that can be enjoyed by all users of the Yamanote Line. Users can challenge the scratch lottery by listening to the automatic announcements inside the Yamanote Line trains by following the on-screen instructions on their smartphones. Depending on the result of the scratch lottery, users can win GOLD, SILVER, or BRONZE NFTs.
*This service has nothing to do with East Japan Railway Company.

Service Features
Interactive Experience: A new experience to make your daily travel time more enjoyable by using the Yamanote Line's in-train announcements.
Earning NFTs: You can challenge the Scratch Lottery to win GOLD, SILVER, and BRONZE NFTs.
More Fun: Take the NFTs you have won to the Trading Card Exchange (ZEXAVERSE TOKYO) to challenge a raffle for paper Trading Cards such as Pokemon Trading Card.
New Experience linked to NFT

A NFT (Non-Fungible Token) is an “irreplaceable token” and its main feature is that it cannot be forged or tampered with.
The NFTs you win can be raffled off further at "ZEXAVERSE TOKYO", depending on the type of each NFT: 3 times for GOLD NFTs, 2 times for SILVER NFTs, and 1 time for BRONZE NFTs. Depending on the result of the raffle, you will have a chance to get valuable Pokemon Trading Card.
3F Marronnier Gate Ginza 3, 2-3-12 Ginza, Chuo-ku, Tokyo 104-0061, Japan
Business hours: 11:00 - 21:00
How "AiryMedia" works
AiryMedia is a service that creates new experiences by allowing smartphones to catch sounds. For example, it can recognize sounds on a train or in a store and participate in various challenges and services. It can be applied anywhere where sound can be heard.
ZEXAVERSE Inc. is a Web3 development venture company with the motto “Enrich society with Web3!
Headquarters: Burex Kojimachi 205, 3-5-2 Kojimachi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 102-0083, Japan
President: Ryohei Uetaki
AiryMedia Inc.
AiryMedia re-defines your smartphone's microphone into what Google calls a "search window", and provides a sound version of the "QR code". Train announcements during your commute to work. Music or Commercials in the Stadium while watching a game. The Background Music at a Convenience Store while Shopping. And the Commercials on your TV at Home. Your smartphone can catch them and lead you to the campaign! You can face the new media, “AiryMedia” everywhere!
President: Atsushi Takigawa
Affiliated Company: Evixar Inc. (JPX - Securities Code: 4257)
AiryMedia Web: https://www.airymedia.net
Train Trading Card Lottery Official X: https://x.com/traintreca
*QR Code is a registered trademark of DENSO WAVE INCORPORATED.
Related Previous Releases
Evixar Establishes Subsidiary "AiryMedia Inc." for Full-Scale Global Expansion(2024-01-11)
Evixar Releases New Algorithm for Audio Fingerprint Recognition(2023-10-24)
Evixar Announces Release of New Algorithm for Acoustic Communication and "App Clip and Instant Apps" Support(2023-07-25)